
The following guidelines detail School guidelines on the presentation and submission of coursework that you complete for AMBS courses. Please note that these rules may be supplemented by additional guidance provided by your lecturer on individual courses.

If you need clarification on any of the rules relating to a particular course, in the first instance you should refer to the course Blackboard page. If you still cannot find the information that you need, please contact the Course Unit Director.

If you take a course run by another School (i.e. it doesn’t have a BMAN or MCEL code) the instructions and submission arrangements may vary. It is your responsibility to seek clarification from the Course Unit Director or the School that owns the course if you are unsure.

Format and presentation of assessed coursework

  1. All coursework must be word processed.
  2. The University operates an anonymous marking policy. To ensure that your anonymity from staff and examiners will be preserved only your Student ID number should appear on your assessment. Your ID number should be on all pages of your coursework.
  3. All pages should be numbered.
  4. All assessed coursework should be presented using the following format.
Coursework Presentation Criteria
FONT SIZE Font size must be 12 point font
CHARACTER SPACING Character scale must be 100% and spacing and position should be normal (the default options)
MARGINS Normal margins (2.5cm) must be used (top, bottom, left and right)
LINE SPACING Line spacing must be 1.5 lines, with an extra line between paragraphs and headings.
ALIGNMENT Non-justified

Length of assessed coursework

Coursework is assessed by page limit or word count as specified by the Course Unit Director in the course outline and/or assessment brief. This will also state whether the page limit or word count is to include references, appendices, diagrams etc.

Penalties for exceeding the length of a piece of coursework

Rather than applying a penalty to work that exceeds the word-limit, markers will use a “guillotine” system. Under this system, markers will impose a cut-off, and not take into account anything you write after the word limit has been passed. For example, if the question requires a 2000-word answer, anything you write after the 2000-word mark has been passed may be ignored. It is therefore advisable that you aim for concision.

You will not be penalised for answers that are shorter than the limit: answers will be given credit for being comprehensive, rather than for being a certain length. However, answers significantly below the word limit usually do not meet the learning objectives of the assignment and markers may be able mark down very short answers.

In very exceptional circumstances, individual Course Unit Directors may specify a penalty for exceeding the length of a piece of coursework. If penalties are to be applied full details will be published in the full course outline when the assessment is set.

Further coursework guidance