The 2024/25 exams will take place as follows:
- Semester One: 9 - 24 January 2025 (timetable available early December)
- Semester Two: 12 May - 4 June 2025 (timetable available early April)
- Resits: 18 - 29 August 2025 (timetable available late July/early August)
The exam timetable is published here at the approximate times given above.
Read the information below for what 'On Campus' and 'Online Exams' mean for you. Individual Course Unit Directors may follow up with more specific information relating to exam instructions, word counts, rubrics and expectations around referencing.
Top Tips
- It is very important that you enter your ID number from your student card clearly at the top of your Word doc exam script. The University operates a policy of anonymous marking and your student ID number is vital to the marking process. You will need to have your student ID number to hand for each examination. Please do not add your name or surname anywhere. You must use your student ID number as your file name e.g.5667890.docx. When you submit in Turnitin enter the file title i.e. your ID number in the 'submission title' field.
- Carefully read the instructions on your exam paper. Some exam papers include specific instructions. Please ensure you check the instructions for each of your exams, and follow them carefully.
- If you experience any issues during the exam period you should contact the Assessment team at ambs.assessment@manchester.ac.uk in the first instance.
- Avoid using Safari browser and Internet Explorer as they are not supported. Submission issues with these browsers will not be regarded as grounds for mitigation.
- Document any IT issues by taking clearly time-stamped screenshots/photos or videos prior to the deadline and submit these to the team as instructed on the same day.
- Exams can be stressful. Take good care of yourself. Eat well to maximise concentration and energy, get a good night's sleep and remember to build some 'me time' into your revision schedule. Take a look at the Library's online wellbeing resources which aim to help maintain a calm frame of mind.
General Exam Guidance
This section relates to general guidance covering both on campus and online examinations.
IT Support
Outside of office hours:
- Students experiencing Blackboard or Turnitin specific issues that prevent them from completing their exam submission outside of office hours, should email ambs.assessment@manchester.ac.uk immediately so that the issue can be looked at as soon as possible the following working day. If the submission deadline is a concern (i.e. if you are already late or the deadline is imminent) then it is advisable to include a copy of your submission as an attachment to your email. You should retain clear evidence of technical difficulties (e.g. screenshots or videos of the errors and issues you are encountering, clearly showing the time and date) - this is especially important for multiple choice answer exams where it is not possible for you to email in your submission.
- Students experiencing IT issues outside office hours should contact IT Services via the Support Portal or support is available 24/7 via telephone on 0161 306 5544.
During office hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)):
- Students experiencing Blackboard or Turnitin specific issues with their exam submission should contact ambs.assessment@manchester.ac.uk.
- Students experiencing general IT issues during office hours should contact the IT Services via the Support Portal.
Personal or health related
Outside of office hours:
- UoM Security - Emergency help on campus
- SafeZone App - Emergency help on campus
- ResLife - Emergency help in student accommodation
- Mental health crisis - guidance from the Counselling and Mental Health Service on where to seek help
During office hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)):
- AMBS Student Support & Wellbeing Team (guidance on notifying us of your Mitigating Circumstances)
- Disability Advisory and Support Service
- Counselling and Mental Health Service
See full list of University Student Support services.
Viewing your exam timetable
View the composite list of examinations.
There will be no individual student examination timetables published.
It is important to note that all examination dates and times use Grenwich Mean Time (GMT) in Semester 1 and British Summer Time (BST) in Semester 2 and Resits.
Please check your student email account regularly in case of any changes or announcements.
If you miss an exam or submit late, you must have a valid excuse (see mitigating circumstances); misreading the timetable would not be considered acceptable grounds for mitigating circumstances.
You may be required to attend a mixture of on campus and online examinations, depending on the courses you are enrolled on. Read the timetable carefully to ensure you know which of your exams you will be expected to attend in person.
How your exam timetable is created
The examination timetables are drawn up centrally in the University and not in Alliance MBS. The University uses students' confirmed choice of courses which have been entered up on the University Student System to register students for examinations.
The examination timetable is produced using dedicated software for which the overarching factor is the production of a timetable with no, or as few as possible, student clashes. The University will try to ensure that students have a spread of examination dates across the examination period, however in many cases this is not possible given the institutional constraints on the number of venues available, the number of examinations that are scheduled to take place and the options available to students on any particular programme of study.
The full extent of the examination period will be used. This means that some examinations will be held immediately at the start of the examination period; some examinations may be timetabled on the same day or on successive days, or you may find that there is a long gap between the examinations you are taking. Whilst the University makes every effort to avoid the clustering of examinations on a student's examination timetable this is sometimes unavoidable. Please note that the University does not normally regard assessments that are scheduled close together as grounds for mitigation.
Examinations can be, and often are, timetabled up to and including the last day of the second semester. You should therefore ensure that you will be available to sit an examination up to the end of the examination period and you should not make commitments (eg booking flights).
Should you experience unforeseen or unpreventable circumstances that result in you being late, absent or impacted during the exam, you should apply for Mitigating Circumstances for support. Please note that unexpected fire evacuations during on campus exams will be dealt with during the exam and there will be no need to apply for mitigation on this basis.
Any absence from an examination or summative class test without good reason will result in a mark of zero for that paper.
Make sure that you correctly note the date/time/place of your examinations. Failure to read the examination timetable correctly will not be deemed as an acceptable reason for absence. It follows that a mark of zero will be recorded in these circumstances which may jeopardise your prospect of reaching the pass mark for the course unit and the possibility of you failing the programme.
Sickness & Absence (Before the exam)
If you are unable to sit one or more examinations or attend a summative class test due to illness or other unexpected and unforeseen circumstance, then you should inform the AMBS Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) team without delay. The SSW is located in AMBS Student Support Hub. You can also reach us by telephone: 0161 306 8989 or email: ambs.mitcircs@manchester.ac.uk
You should also complete a Request for Mitigating Circumstances Form.
Sickness & Absence (During the exam)
If you are taken ill during an examination and are unable to complete it, you should obtain medical evidence of your condition as soon as you can. This could be from your Doctor or the University’s Occupational Health located as follows:
- Crawford House, 4th floor, Booth Street East, Manchester, M13 9QS. Telephone: 0161 275 2858. Email: occupationalhealth@manchester.ac.uk
You should inform the AMBS Student Support and Wellbeing (SSW) team. The SSW team is based in AMBS Student Support Hub. You can also reach us by telephone: 0161 306 8989 or email: ambs.mitcircs@manchester.ac.uk.
You should also complete a Request for Mitigating Circumstances Form.
If you have strict religious requirements that may affect your attendance at examinations arranged centrally, you must complete and return the Examination and Religious Observance form. (Major Christian festivals occur during vacations and are usually avoided by examination periods).
You should return this form to the Student Services Centre:
Student Services Centre
Burlington Street
M13 9PL
Email: ssc@manchester.ac.uk
The information about your faith is not given to anyone else, or used for any other purpose, or stored electronically.
Every effort will be made to accommodate your legitimate religious requirements. However, if no reasonable alternative can be found, the University reserves the right to hold examinations on any days and times during examination periods.
The expectation is that students will remain in Manchester during the entirety of the exam period to ensure minimal disruption to exams. If you are required to travel during the exam period, it is your responsibility to ensure travel times do not interfere with your exam schedule and that you have reliable access to equipment and Wi-Fi to enable you to complete your exams on time and without disruption. Mitigating Circumstances may not be accepted for disruption caused as a result of travel during the exam period. For full guidance on Mitigating Circumstances, please review the section on Mitigating Circumstances.
Please also bear in mind that whilst restrictions have eased in the UK, other countries may still require travellers to quarantine in a designated hotel where Wi-Fi and equipment may be limited. In these instances, Mitigating Circumstances are unlikely be accepted should they impact on your exams.
Invigilated On Campus Exam Guidance
This section relates to specific guidance around attending in person, on campus examinations
We have made changes to the way we organise our assessment and exams. Most exams and assessments will be online, with a relatively small number taking place on campus.
You can access detailed guidance on what to expect from on campus exams via the central exams website, which provides you with everything you need to:
- prepare well before your exams, with our study skills resources and past papers;
- do well during your exams, with information about avoiding misconduct and exam locations; and,
- get support if you need it after your exams.
Examinations (including exams you may need to resit for progression) are not optional and students are expected to attend all relevant examinations in person. Course Unit Directors will be able to confirm far in advance which exams are to be taken on campus, as opposed to online. Students are expected to bring their Student ID to the exam hall to verify their identity and confirm attendance. ID cards will need to remain visible on the desk at all times during the exam.
Extraordinarily, events may occur on the day of an examination which may cause the examination to be abandoned (e.g. evacuation due to the fire alarm sounding). In such cases the examination will be re-scheduled to another date within the same examination period. Please be aware that if you do not attend the re-scheduled examination then it is very likely that you will be required to return in the August examination period.
On campus examinations will be held across the whole campus, from Sackville Street to the Armitage Centre on Moseley Road in Fallowfield. Please ensure you plan your route accordingly and leave plenty of time to spare in case of delays.
Students will not be admitted into an examination room more than 30 minutes after the scheduled start. You are also not permitted to leave the examination room during the first 30 minutes or the last 15 minutes of an examination.
Provided that you arrive within 30 minutes of the start of an examination you will be allowed into the room but you will not be allowed any additional time to finish your paper at the end, nor will you be permitted to continue the examination outside of the room.
Impersonating another student in an examination is a very serious offence and a breach of University regulations. Any student caught impersonating another will be dealt with by the University Student Disciplinary Committee and can expect to receive the maximum penalty under the University guidance on conduct and regulations for attending examinations.
Students are required to carry their Student ID card with them during all examinations and are expected to show this when asked.
You must write all your answers legibly. If your work is deemed illegible by the examiners you are at risk of receiving a mark of zero. It is at the School's discretion if you are called in and permitted to convert your work to typescript; you would normally be expected to pay for any expense incurred.
If you have a medical or physical condition that prevents you from writing legibly, please contact the Disability Advisory and Support Service by the published deadlines for advice on support available (email: dass@manchester.ac.uk).
If you suffer an unexpected injury immediately before or during your examinations which affects your ability to write, please contact the AMBS Student Support and Guidance Team (email: studentsupport.ambs@manchester.ac.uk) for appropriate advice on applying for mitigating circumstances.
Each examination will clearly state the number of questions you are expected to answer. You cannot be awarded additional marks by attempting more than the specified questions. The examiners have instructions to only mark the required number of questions, taking them in the order in which they appear in the answer booklet. For example, if you are required to answer three questions but you answer four questions, only the first three questions will be marked. You will not be awarded the mark for the best three answers. You should clearly cross out any answers which you do not wish to have marked.
If use of calculators is permitted in an AMBS exam, this will usually exclude calculators that can store text, perform algebra, or have graphing capability. Examples of acceptable models include the Casio FX-82, FX-83 and FX-85.
Online Timed and Open Book Exam Guidance
This section relates to specific guidance around submitting online timed and open book exams via Turnitin and Blackboard Tests.
- 7 day and 48-hour Open Book Exams, as the name suggests, are exams where you are given 7 full days or 48 hours exactly, from the time the exam questions are released to the final deadline when you can submit your answers.
- Your exam will be an open book exam. This means you can use your lecture notes, readings etc during the exam (please be sure to follow referencing guidelines as instructed by individual Course Unit Directors).
- In the case of a 7 day or 48-hour exams, you have multiple days to complete an exam. However, it is likely that you have multiple exams to complete during the examination period (one per course unit). The total length of time available to complete the exams accounts for possible overlaps in exams within a given week.
- Note that although you will have 48 hours or 7 days to submit your answers, you are expected to spend no more than three times the original duration of the closed-book equivalent. (e.g. you are expected to spend no more than six hours completing an open book version of a two-hour exam). This is an absolute maximum and not a target; you should be able to complete your answers well under this maximum time-frame.
- For essay type answers, the typical maximum word limit per hour of exam is 1000 words. Where there are multiple parts to questions, the word limit for each component question of the examination will be shown alongside that question. Please ensure you observe the expected script length for each of your exams. Markers will be instructed that they do not have to mark anything beyond the maximum word length. You will not be penalised for answers shorter than the limit: answers will be given credit for being comprehensive, rather than for being a certain length.
- You should always include a bibliography at the end of your exam. Your bibliography will not count towards the maximum word length.
Review the My Learning Essentials guidance for What to expect and how to prepare for open book assessments.
- Timed exams are exams where, once you start the test, you will have a fixed period of time within which to complete it e.g., 2 or 3 hours. The duration of the exam will be made clear to you by individual Course Unit Directors for each exam you have.
- Timed exams will have a specified duration and they will usually be available for you to complete within a 24 or 48 hour window. This means that you will be able to sit the exam at a time of the day that best suit you.
- In a very small number of cases you may be asked to complete your exam at a specific time on a specific day (see section on sycnhronous timed exams)
- If your Timed exam involves essay-type questions, you will be given clear instructions about word length for the exam. You must not exceed the specified word length. The word length is a maximum word limit (+10% does not apply). Markers will be instructed that they do not have to mark anything beyond the maximum word length.
- If you cite someone else’s work, make sure to include a bibliography at the end of your exam and that you follow the appropriate citation and bibliographical rules Your bibliography will not count towards the maximum word length.
- You will not be penalised for answers shorter than the limit: answers will be given credit for being comprehensive, rather than for being a certain length.
- To prepare for the exam, we recommend that you follow our guidance: Preparing for online assessment.
- Details of how to get in contact with the IT and eLearning support team can be found here.
If you have any technical issues during the exam, then refer to our guidance:
- Unexpected technical issues during the exam window
- Unexpected technical issues impacting the upload of your submission
Timed exams in AMBS will generally be delivered as Blackboard Tests. These tests may differ slightly across your course units. For example, some tests may require you to submit handwritten answers to Turnitin or upload a file to one of the test questions. Some tests may include multiple-choice questions or require you to type essay style answers directly into the test. However your test will be delivered, your Course Unit Directors will be in touch well in advance with course-specific guidance so you are ready.
Here is a video to help familiarise you with the look and format of a Blackboard Test as well as some of the settings you may expect to find when attempting one.
Synchronous exams are those that take place at a fixed date, time and duration (i.e. everyone on the course takes the exam at the same time).
If you are completing a synchronous exam, no timer will be displayed in Blackboard. Follow the communicated start and end time (GMT/BST time as appropriate) and submit no later than the prescribed time. It is important that you start the test promptly at the prescribed UK start time to allow yourself the fully allotted time.
Timed exams in AMBS will generally be delivered as Blackboard Tests. These tests may differ slightly across your course units. For example, some tests may require you to submit handwritten answers to Turnitin or upload a file to one of the test questions. Some tests may include multiple-choice questions or require you to type essay style answers directly into the test. However your test will be delivered, your Course Unit Directors will be in touch well in advance with course-specific guidance so you are ready.
Here is a video to help familiarise you with the look and format of a Blackboard Test as well as some of the settings you may expect to find when attempting one.
7 day and 48-hour open book exams
- For 7 day and 48-hour open book exams, question papers will be released on the date/time as detailed in the Composite Exam Timetable.
- You can access question papers within the ‘Examination’ folder, located in the left-hand side navigation panel on the relevant Blackboard course unit page. Turnitin links for submitting your answers will also be available in this folder.
Timed exams within 24 hours or 48 hours
- For timed exams to be taken within a 24 hour or 48 hour window, Blackboard Tests will be automatically visible to you from the date/time as detailed in the Composite Exam Timetable. You can access the test in the course unit page on Blackboard, usually within the 'Examination' folder.
7 day and 48-hour open book exams
- Use standard word processing software and submit your exam script as a Word Document (PDF if absolutely necessary).
- Submission inboxes will only accept one single submission. If your exam includes different questions, ensure that you write question numbers for each of your responses and you submit one single document.
- You can submit your work as many times as needed up until the submission deadline.
- Turnitin does not email you with a digital receipt. Instead, you can download a copy of your submission receipt directly from the inbox. You can return to the inbox anytime to review your submission.
- For further guidance, please read A student guide to submitting an assignment via Turnitin
Timed exams within 24 hours or 48 hours
Instructions for each exams will vary from unit to unit but will usually take the format of a Blackboard Test. Your Course Unit Director will be in touch with specific guidance closer to the exam period.
7 day and 48 hour open book exams
- It is very important that you enter your ID number from your student card clearly at the top of your Word doc exam script. The University operates a policy of anonymous marking and your student ID number is vital to the marking process. You will need to have your student ID number to hand for each examination. Please do not add your name or surname anywhere. You must use your student ID number as your file name e.g.5667890.docx. When you submit in Turnitin enter the file title i.e. your ID number in the 'submission title' field.
- Check out this handy video on How to Upload Your Exam to Turnitin
Timed exams within 24 hours or 48 hours
- For any files that need to be uploaded to Turnitin or to the test itself (e.g. handwritten answers), please see the above instructions as well as the below section on 'Handwritten answers'.
7-day and 48-hour open book exams
Turnitin submission inboxes will be open for either 7 days or 48 hours, depending on the exam.
Please do not wait until the final minutes to submit your answers.
Failure to submit by the deadline time will be treated as an absence from the examination, and work will be given a zero mark (there is no sliding scale for late submission for exams).
Submission deadlines are fixed for all students.
The extended length of these exams allows for the potential of personal technical difficulties during the examination period.
As a result, such technical difficulties will not normally be accepted as mitigating circumstances for late submission.
Make sure you are prepared technically and submit your work well before the deadline. Don't be caught out by late or accidental non-submission! Here are some 'dos and don'ts' to ensure you submit successfully to Turnitin:
- DO NOT upload your file from smart devices (phone, tablet)
- DO NOT upload using the Safari browser or Internet Explorer
- DO NOT leave it to the last moment to submit your work
- DO ALLOW for plenty of time to submit before the deadline
- DO UPLOAD from a desktop or laptop
- DO UPLOAD only .pdf or .docx files (unless instructed otherwise). Pages files cannot be accepted
- DO UPLOAD from a supported browser; Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox
- DO PREVIEW your file in the Turnitin preview window
- DO COMPLETE SUBMISSION by clicking the final ‘Submit to Turnitin’ button
- DO DOWNLOAD your Digital Receipt as evidence of submission (Automatic email receipts are no longer provided)
- DO EMAIL assessment.ambs@manchester.ac.uk, attaching your work, if technical difficulties means you will submit late
For personal or health issues impacting your ability to submit, please apply for mitigating circumstances.
Timed exams within 24 hours or 48 hours
Timed exams via Blackboard Tests will be automatically visible to you from the date/time stated on the exam timetable for a maximum of 24 hours or 48 hours, depending on the course unit.
All timed exams must be started and submitted within the 24-hour or 48-hour window.
This means that for a 24-hour exam with a duration of 2 hours, you would need to begin the test up to a maximum of 22 hours after it opens, otherwise you risk submitting late.
You are encouraged not to leave it to the last few hours before an exam closes to attempt it, in case of technical issues and subsequent lateness.
A 10 minute submission window has been added to all exam timers. This time must strictly be used for you to submit your work; not for you to continue working on your answers.
Any late submissions beyond the 10 minute submission window will be considered as absence from the exam and a mark of 0 will be awarded.
- Final submission deadlines will always be stated in British local time (Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or British Summer Time (BST) depending on the time of year).
- If you live in a different time zone, it is your responsibility to convert your local time to British time. Time zone errors will not be accepted as mitigating circumstances for late submission.
The University has expectations of every student when you complete your exams and assessments. We have mechanisms to detect where students are not meeting these expectations, including for online assessments. If you commit academic malpractice, there are a range of possible penalties which could affect your progression on your course.
During the examination (whether timed, 7 days, or 48 hours open book), you must work under examination conditions. In an open-book exam, this means that you can access readings or use your notes but:
- you must complete the assessment task on your own and without help or assistance from family members, friends, academic staff, or other students;
- you must not impersonate another candidate or allow yourself to be impersonated;
- You must not make copies of any exam questions (either written or screenshot).
- you must not use dictionaries, translation software, or notes if you are instructed not to do so;
- you must not pass off the work of someone else as your own; please read your course unit-specific guidance via Blackboard for expectations around referencing.
Please be aware that if there is suspicion of prohibited use of translation software, prohibited use of dictionaries, collusion, or contract cheating (the practice of students engaging a third party to complete assignments such as an essay mill or having someone complete the exam for them), students may be invited to a viva voce (an oral assessment) to assess the authenticity of submitted answers.
Please see Guidance to students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice for further advice and always contact your Academic Advisor and/or Course Unit Director if in doubt.
First Year students are expected to complete BMAN11021 - Academic Malpractice Awareness by the end of October.
My Learning Essentials also offers a supporting package on Avoiding Academic Malpractice, which includes topics on:
- avoiding accidental plagiarism
- a guide to referencing
- a guide to good study skills
- This section only applies to Exams that require an element of handwritten response. Only if instructed by your Course Unit Director, will you need to submit, all or part of your exam, using your own handwriting.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that photographs of your answers are of high quality.
- Photographed answers must be integrated into a single file ready for submission to Turnitin or the Blackboard test itself (File Response question type). There are a number of ways how you can insert a photograph into your exam script ready for upload as detailed below.
Check out this handy video on How to Upload Your Exam to Turnitin and review the below steps.
1. Take a picture of your handwritten answer and transfer it to your Desktop/PC/Laptop using any of the many possible methods
- Take a picture with a mobile device (phone/tablet) and email it (as an attachment) to yourself. Open your email on your laptop/desktop and save it to your desktop.
- Take a picture with a mobile device (phone/tablet) and transfer it via Bluetooth to your computer desktop
- Take a picture with a digital camera and transfer it to your laptop/desktop via a USB cable
- Take a picture with a digital camera and transfer it to your laptop/desktop by removing your memory card (SD card) in your camera’s and inserting it into your laptop card reader.
2. From your device, save your handwritten response to your desktop. Within Word, go to the ‘Insert’ menu and select picture. Ensure that the picture appears numbered within your script or add as an appendix numbered at the end of the document. Save your Word file ensuring your ID number is typed within the document and in the title of the file.
3. To reduce potential issues with the size of your submission, crop the unwanted edges of your image, within Word itself. To crop the image simply place your cursor on top of your image, select ‘Crop’ and drag the edges towards the centre of the image. Press enter to confirm the changes. Save when you are satisfied with the cropping.
- If you cannot get hold of a photographic or scanning device (camera, mobile phone camera, scanning photocopier) alert your Course Unit Director as soon as possible, at the latest two weeks before the exam submission date.
If technical failures occur in University systems (e.g. Blackboard or Turnitin downtime), adjustments to submission deadlines will be made and this will be communicated to you.
If you suspect that your IT issues may be due to University systems, check the Service Availability information on the IT Services homepage. The Service Availability portlet will display whether there is any unexpected or planned service disruption and flag any issues with a red or an orange circle, and the date and time the information was updated.
If the service disruption concerns Turnitin you can consult the Turnitin Service Status page.
Reducing the risk of technical difficulties before the exam
Please ensure you have the necessary hardware to complete your examinations. If you face difficulties accessing online learning (e.g. technical/ hardware access) you can seek advice and support for online learning and assessment contacting helpmegetonline@manchester.ac.uk or ringing +44 (0) 161 306 6199.
Internet Explorer (all versions) is no longer supported by Blackboard. Please only use one of the following supported browsers:
- Chrome
- Edge
- Firefox
Wifi performance is the most likely issue you may face. Connectivity issues are generally temporary and can normally be resolved by:
- Using a hardwired (as opposed to wireless WiFi) connection.
- Avoiding peak times and seeking locations with a strong signal and sufficient broadband.
- Limiting the number of applications open and running simultaneously at a given time.
If you experience technical failures during the exam window that are individual to you, do not worry. Excluding a very small minority of courses, all exams provide an ample window of availability (7 days or 48 hours) to allow you to work around any temporary technical issues; see guidance below.
Seek IT advice ahead of the assessment period
Please seek support via the IT Services Portal ahead of the exam period if you have concerns about:
- The performance of your PC or find ways to improve it e.g. clearing cache, cookies, temporary files
- Your Wi-Fi performance
- The performance of your browser
Individual IT Best practice
The following points will help to ensure you can submit your work on time:
- Save your work regularly. Make regular backups of the work you are undertaking to minimise the impact of any IT failure.
- Use cloud-based storage to prevent issues such as a failed hard drive.
- Check that you are running the most recent version of your internet browsers.
- Check whether the applications you will use in your assessment have browser preferences and follow those preferences for best performance.
- Make sure you know who to contact in the case of technical issues both prior to and at the time of submission (see contact information below).
7-day and 48-hour open book exams
- If you experience a short period of network failure, close the browser and try again using a different browser/computer, or try again later. Connectivity issues may impact your access to library or other resources but will not affect your ability to access word-processing tools.
- If you experience issues with Blackboard or Turnitin that prevent you from completing the exam submission outside of service hours (i.e. 9am-5pm local British time), you should re-attempt submission during office hours and, if issues persist, contact your eLearning Team to get support with your exam.
- If you experience connectivity issues frequently, consider submitting part of your completed work to Turnitin prior to the deadline so there is some record of achievement. This is not a requirement but is good practice and provides evidence of work completed.
- If the technical issues are not resolved and the deadline is approaching, contact assessment.ambs@manchester.ac.uk before the deadline, attaching your work.
Timed exams within 24-hours or 48-hours
If you encounter any technical difficulties during the exam, do not panic. Please take the following actions:
- Take photographs with a smartphone or screenshots of errors you are seeing and keep these for after the exam has ended.
- If the technical issue is related to your web browser, close the browser down and move on to step 4 (Do not worry, you can access the test again shortly without losing progress).
- If the technical issue is related to your Desktop PC/Laptop, restart your computer and move on to step 4 (Do not worry, you can access the test again shortly without losing progress).
- Re-open your web browser and re-open the test; your answers should already be saved from previous questions you answered. Please note that the timer does not pause if you leave the test. Instead, we encourage you to try and complete the questions as best you can. You have the ability to go overtime on the test and submit late. You may want to make use of this opportunity to complete your exam, making up the lost time caused by technical difficulties. However, you will need to retain evidence of the technical issues if the penalty for late submission is to be waived later.
- If you are unable to go back to the test as a result of total technical failure, please do not panic. Take as many photographs or screenshots as necessary and move on to step 6.
- Email assessment.ambs@manchester.ac.uk as soon as possible with a description of the issues you have encountered and attach the photographs/ screenshots that you gathered in step 1. The issues will be investigated and you may be instructed to apply for Mitigating Circumstances. Please note that evidence of technical issues will be required as part of a Mitigating Circumstances application.
Please note that we are unable to add additional time to your exam during the test or immediately reschedule the exam for you. The School will review Mitigating Circumstances applications and associated evidence in light of technical difficulties and an appropriate outcome determined.
With this in mind, we ask that you try as best you can to complete the exam if you are experiencing technical difficulties and Mitigating Circumstances will be considered afterwards, in light of the above steps.
IT Support
Support outside of office hours:
- Students experiencing IT issues outside office hours should contact IT Services via the Support Portal, who provide telephone support around the clock.
- Students experiencing Blackboard or Turnitin specific issues that prevent them from completing their exam submission outside of service hours, should re-attempt submission during office hours and contact the eLearning Team if issues persist. Students should retain evidence of technical difficulties (e.g. screenshots of error messages).
During office hours (9am-5pm GMT or BST as appropriate):
- Students experiencing general IT issues during office hours should contact the IT Services via the Support Portal.
- Students experiencing Blackboard or Turnitin specific issues that prevent them from completing their exam submission should contact assessment.ambs@manchester.ac.uk
- For urgent support during the exam period, the eLearning team will provide technical support to students Monday to Friday 9am-4pm (GMT/BST) via instant messaging (Live Chat).